Blog, empowerment, illustration, Monster Monday, Monsters, Self-Awareness, Self-Help

The Sovereign Goblin: Write Your Own Story

Happy Monday, Monster fans. I’ve been delighted by our delectable blog themes recently concerning redefining success and writing our own authentic stories— so much so that I thought the topic deserved its very own monster…

So I’d like to introduce you to my new friend, the Sovereign Goblin! This creative cutie is especially helpful when we are mixed up in the muddle of confusion, peer pressure, fear, or those nasty “shoulds” that rear their heads. He reminds us that while there is always going to be people out there telling us how to be and what to do in any given situation (whether well-meaning guidance or unsolicited advice), that we are our own authors and creators. He reminds us to reclaim our self sovereignty!

The Sovereign Goblin by Kristy Fae

While it can be very helpful to get different perspectives from our trusted personal people and professionals alike, at the end of the day, we get to take inventory, reflect, and decide what’s right for us. We also use our past experiences to navigate current ones, yet sometimes this can lead us astray; we must discern whether or not the old story is guiding us or keeping us stuck. It’s important to check in now and then to see if we have any old stories that we’re ready to crumple up and toss into the trash bin.

So over the next few weeks, I challenge you to be aware of what stories are playing like reruns in your mind— then see if any of them can be turned off in favour of a more…well, favourable one! And if you can start to imagine what you want your story to look like, perhaps drawing it would be a great way to start manifesting it into reality…

The monsters and I would love to hear your thoughts below and to see your “new stories” shared on social media with hashtag #artofnonsensenewstory

Happy storytelling!

Play. Create. Discover… Be sure to subscribe to the blog to receive Biweekly reminders when we post! Also find us @artofnonsense on Facebook, Instagram and YouTube or visit the Art of Nonsense Shop for adoptable monsters and other products!

Pssst- what I write in this blog is a reflection of my own ideas and experiences and/or interpretations of any referenced material. The content of this blog is for entertainment and/or informational purposes only. I am not an expert or therapist and cannot be held liable for any content provided or how it is used. Please enjoy at your own discretion. I reserve the right to change the content or management of this blog at any time. That said, I hope you enjoy it!  © 2024 Kristy Anne Fae All Rights Reserved.

art, Blog, Crafts, creative living, Events, Fidget toys, Market, Monster Monday, Monsters, puppets, Sensory, Toys

Home Gnomes & Goblins & Cards- Oh My- Sharing the Art of Nonsense

Phew, is it just us or is this a busy season?! You’ll have to excuse the monsters and I for being late with our Blog, but here we are!

Last weekend was a big eventful one for us creatures here at Art of Nonsense! We took a trip to the Winter Art Market in Fernwood, Victoria B.C. where many-a-monster found their way to new loving furever gnomes… I mean homes. But also gnomes.

Kristy Fae & Super Max with the Art of Nonsense Booth at the Winter Art Market in Victoria, B.C.

We would like to sincerely thank everyone who helped us with the event and/or dropped by the booth to share in the love of monsterly nonsense and creativity last weekend! It means so much to us to have our monsters and creatures invoking smiles, spreading positive messages, and encouraging self-love. We so appreciate your support!

Back to Gnomes…Gnomes are abound this time of year, and we didn’t want to be left out! So we’ve welcomed handmade Home Gnomes, as well as their mischievous Hobgoblin counterparts, into our Monster Studio for the first time ever! They were a huge hit with their squishy bodies and beany-bottoms, not to mention those dangly legs and tiny shoes. Oh my, the cuteness!

We also introduced another new product into our line: Art of Nonsense Greeting Cards! First up we have the Dancing Dino, who’s sure to bring delight to any welcoming recipient. And in the name of the season, we have our West Coast Christmas Cards featuring a wildly enthusiastic rider on an orca, hauling a sleigh above the roaring ocean waves!

These new products, along with many others such as our Whimsical Art Prints, Beanbag Buds (sensory & fidget toys), fleecy Hand Puppets, and more, can be found in our online Art of Nonsense Shop or on our Facebook Page. Feel free to send us a message at with inquiries about currents products or custom orders!

We also loved the feedback we received at the Art Market about which products our monster-loving fans would like to see, including Gratitude Monster Greeting Cards and a restock of Monster Magnets! Please comment below with which monster products you’d like to see, along with your favourite current ones. The feedback helps us get the monsters you want into your monster-ready hands!

A big bunch of gratitude goes out to the organizers of the Winter Art Market from Island Community Mental Health and Greater Victoria Social Gathering Place. We so appreciate your hard work and all the care that was put into making such a beautiful event happen!

The Gratitude Monster by Kristy Fae

Oh, and if you’re looking for “Creative Homework” this week, try designing your very own whimsical Christmas or Seasonal Greeting Card using your favourite local creature as inspiration. All you need is some folded paper or card stock and either some coloured pencils, crayons, paints, or markers. Feel free to share your creations below or on social media along with the hashtag #artofnonsensecreations

Have a creative and joyful season everyone!

Play. Create. Discover… Be sure to subscribe to the blog to receive Biweekly reminders when we post! Also find us @artofnonsense on Facebook, Instagram and YouTube or visit the Art of Nonsense Shop for adoptable monsters and other products!

Pssst- what I write in this blog is a reflection of my own ideas and experiences and/or interpretations of any referenced material. The content of this blog is for entertainment and/or informational purposes only. I am not an expert or therapist and cannot be held liable for any content provided or how it is used. Please enjoy at your own discretion. I reserve the right to change the content or management of this blog at any time. That said, I hope you enjoy it!  © 2023 Kristy Anne Fae All Rights Reserved.

Blog, Funny, illustration, Monster Monday, Monsters, play

The Choc-o-lot Sneak: Just for the Fun of it!

Sometimes there’s rhyme but no reason…here’s a bit of fun for you this Monster Monday in honour of Art of Nonsense’s favourite upcoming celebration— Halloween!

“The Choc-o-lot Sneak”
By Kristy Fae

The Choc-o-lot Sneak,
Such a sneaker of treats,
Is a marvellous master—
A sneak who sneaks sweets!

He sniffs out the goods,
A most terrible feat,
And when candy’s around,
Well, he won’t miss a beat!

He snatches the loot
With his three massive beaks,
Then he stashes the stuff 
In his gigantic cheeks!

Yes, caramel and fudge
Are the eats that he seeks
And it’s Halloween Night 
That his food-snatching peaks!

So hide all your bars,
All your lollies and gummies—
But the only safe spot,
Is inside your tummies!

“The Choc-o-lot Sneak” by Kristy Fae

We hope you’re having fun getting your costumes and candies and jack-o-lanterns ready this October. Just beware that mighty Sneak, as we heard him sniffing around here in the chocolate cupboard already 😉 If you’re celebrating Hallow’s Eve this year, tell us how in the comments below…

Have a joyful, creative and safe Halloween season everyone!

Play. Create. Discover… also find us @artofnonsense on Facebook, Instagram and YouTube or visit the Art of Nonsense Shop for adoptable monsters and other products!

Pssst- what I write in this blog is a reflection of my own ideas and experiences and/or interpretations of any referenced material. The content of this blog is for entertainment and/or informational purposes only. I am not an expert or therapist and cannot be held liable for any content provided or how it is used. Please enjoy at your own discretion. I reserve the right to change the content or management of this blog at any time. That said, I hope you enjoy it!  © 2023 Kristy Anne Fae All Rights Reserved.

animals, art, Blog, Creative Learning, Funny, illustration, Monster Monday, Monsters, Poetry

The Platy-Pirate: Real Life Monsters 2

What makes a monster a monster? Is a monster simply a made-up creature? Is it defined by its unique and weird attributes? Does it need special powers or to partake in particular activities? Oxford Languages states that a monster is “an imaginary creature that is typically large, ugly, and frightening” while Myriam-Webster defines a monster as “an animal or plant of abnormal form or structure.” A simple search on Google will turn up multiple interpretations of this ancient word that is believed to have “derived from the French term ‘monstre’ [which] has roots in the Latin word meaning ‘monstrum’ [or] ‘evil omen’ ” according to Word Monster. Despite the many opinions about what a monster actually is, what seems to be agreed upon is that monsters are creatures of great awe and wonder!

Here at Art of Nonsense, we love monsters of all kinds. No monster is too big or too small; too scaly or too furry; too winged or too finned. We love them all. And we love creating them. A lot of my creature inspiration started in childhood, through finding awe and wonder in the natural world, whether in real life or through wonderful resources like Owl Magazine. From sting rays to blue-footed boobies, to bats, wild cats, and even pet rats— I was fascinated by them all!

Now, even as the majority of my pencil tips end up forming creatures that didn’t exist before the drawing took place, I very much like to revisit, honour, and “play” with the beloved animals that so captured my heart and sense of wonder (and still do!). One of such favourites has always been the Platypus. In fact, my favourite stuffed animal as a child was a green Platypus, who still sits near my bed (lovingly as ever, though with significantly less “fluff” than before). Platypuses really are one of those “real-life monsters”. Firstly, because… look at them. So strange, unique, and adorable right!? I get giddy just picturing them! Also, the more I know about platypuses, the more fascinating they are to me. Here’s a few reasons why:

  1. A Platypus somehow has what appears to be a duck’s bill, a beaver’s tail, and the feet of an otter— oh my!
  2. Platypuses are the only group of mammals to lay eggs.
  3. Male platypuses are one of the few mammals today that produce venom, and they do so through a hollow spur in their hind legs, which is sometimes referred to as a poisonous claw (or in my case, “a poison toe”!)… as show by my illustration below:
“Platy-Pirate” Illustration & Poem by Kristy Fae

We very much enjoyed our playtime with this special Platy-Guy today. If you’re so inspired, we challenge you to look up 3 interesting facts about your favourite animal and see if you can create an artwork based on what you find!

*A special credit and thanks goes out to TrentT for sparking the idea of a Platypus Pirate!

Play. Create. Discover… also find me @artofnonsense on Facebook, Instagram and YouTube or visit the Art of Nonsense Shop for adoptable monsters and other products!

Pssst- what I write in this blog is a reflection of my own ideas and experiences and/or interpretations of any referenced material. The content of this blog is for entertainment and/or informational purposes only. I am not an expert or therapist and cannot be held liable for any content provided or how it is used. Please enjoy at your own discretion. I reserve the right to change the content or management of this blog at any time. That said, I hope you enjoy it!  © 2023 Kristina Durst aka Kristy Anne Fae All Rights Reserved.

Blog, Crafts, inspiration, Monster Monday, Monsters, play

The Fantastic Felter: Infinite Creativity 

Have you ever taken the time to count the ways in which we can be creative? It’s a trick question, because there are infinite ways! If we think about all the possible art forms, ways of expressing, original ideas, inventions, stories, processes, etc, it really is a marvel.

As creatives, we may have a preference for certain mediums or processes that we use to create. This is of course is helpful and efficient, especially if we are creating in school or in a career where work needs to be accomplished on timelines. But sometimes our creative processes can get stagnant or stuck in a rut. Perhaps we find ourselves lacking inspiration or passion if we’ve been doing too much of the “same thing”. In these instances, it’s especially important to remember those INFINITE possibilities for creativity— and maybe break outside of our comfort zones, shake things up, and try something new!

As a writer, illustrator and monster maker, I get hyper-focused on making my professional products. And yet, I’m also someone who loves diving into a new craft or art form just to experience it, make some cool stuff, and see what happens. I may come back to these mediums over time or just try them once and move on. Either way, I’ve learned that that’s perfectly ok! 

In some ways I have felt “less than” for a long time for being a “Jane of all trades, a master of none.” I do understand the intention behind this message— that spreading ourselves too thin across many skills can be at the detriment of our expertise. I developed a story in my head that told me this was the case for me. Yet I’m realizing it isn’t. What I’ve become is my own kind of master; one that can basically create anything from anything! That’s a mega super expert master skill in itself, isn’t it?!

I also believe in, and have experienced for myself, the benefit that comes from fresh energy, looking at things from different perspectives, and acquiring transferable skills. We take all that back to our master craft and may show up to it stronger than ever. And lastly, if it’s FUN, it’s WORTHWHILE! Fun goes a long way for our creativity, as it births joy, passion, inspiration, motivation, and overall wellbeing… And if it’s good for you, it’s good for your craft, I say.

Now I’m not necessarily saying to drop all your work and priorities and go hog-wild with a billion different “try ‘ems” (unless you are inspired to and in a position to do so!). What I am saying is that taking a bit of time here and there to play, experiment, mess around, try something new or do something in a different way, might just bring about surprising results.

I’ve been very much enjoying my “try ‘em” these past few weeks— and furthermore I enjoyed connecting with family and friends over these crafts, making them even more special and beneficial! Felting is what I’ve been playing with, which proves to be extremely meditative, calming and enjoyable for me. It’s a neat medium, which uses felting wool and barbed needles to “mash” and “tangle” (these are not the official terms!) the fibres into one another in order to form shapes…objects…and of course, for me, creatures.

I love that you can just start a project without much thought, and keep adding to it as you “mould” it similarly to clay. It’s also super quick to take out on the fly, without any preparation other than having the required materials and tools! Felting reminds me that creating doesn’t always have to be pre-planned or created for any specific purpose. It can be for the enjoyment of it, or to spread joy when you gift it (or sit it on your shelf!). It’s also inspired me to work more quickly and freely and to experiment with more texture and colour in my illustration work. This is a great case in point to what I’m trying to get across here today!

So dear monster lovers, I’m sure you want to see my latest felt creation, which was modelled after the Bowtruckle named Pickett from Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them, so here he is:

Reproduction of Pickett from Fantastic Beasts, by Kristy Fae

Now if I were to say, “Go do a creative thing that’s new or that you haven’t done in a while” — do you know what it would be? Perhaps it’s using oil pastels or finger-paints. Maybe it’s ballet dancing, sewing some unique clothes, inventing a new product, or writing a story? Maybe it’s an activity you loved as a child but have left in the dust for many years. This week, try briefly stepping away from whatever way you normally get creative. Give space for some PLAY! If you need some direction, pick one of your favourite movie creatures to make and consider the different ways you could bring it to life! Then of course, feel free to share your creation or experience with us in the comments below.

Thanks for reading, creating, and being you!

Play. Create. Discover… also find me @artofnonsense on Facebook, Instagram and YouTube or visit the Art of Nonsense Shop for adoptable monsters and other products!

Pssst- what I write in this blog is a reflection of my own ideas and experiences and/or interpretations of any referenced material. The content of this blog is for entertainment and/or informational purposes only. I am not an expert or therapist and cannot be held liable for any content provided or how it is used. Please enjoy at your own discretion. I reserve the right to change the content or management of this blog at any time. That said, I hope you enjoy it!  © 2023 Kristina Durst aka Kristy Anne Fae All Rights Reserved.

Blog, Crafts, Fidget toys, Monster Monday, Monsters, play, puppets, Self-Love, Sensory, Toys

The Pocket-Monster: Carrying Joy & Comfort With You, Wherever You Go…

If you had a pocket-monster,
Would you ever wonder whether,
Once your pocket-monster wandered,
It’d be a pocket-monster no longer?
Or if it’d be a wander-monster?
Or perhaps a wandered pocket-no-longer monster?
In any case of ponder, 
You can be assured as thunder,
That a pocket-monster, wandered,
Will keep up its pocket-monster wonder!

Think about a pocket-monster like a portable source of joy and comfort. Do you have something like that? Perhaps a beloved sketch book, a favourite stuffed animal, a calming stone or crystal, or a tactile fidget toy? Even a non-tangible thing like your sense of humour, playfulness, or an uplifting mantra can do wonders for your mental health and happiness! Finding ways to bring joy and comfort with us, throughout our day, out into the world, and at home or in private, is a very special gift indeed…and one that I would love to spread far and wide.

And well friends, if you want your very own ACTUAL pocket-monster, now’s your chance! Art of Nonsense is in the process of bringing to life more of our popular Beanbag Buds— the perfect monsters to carry in your pocket, or clip to your bag with their elastic loops, so they’re with you whenever you need to give ‘em a squish or a squeeze (without the worry of wandering!). They’re great conversation-starters, awesome smile-makers, and soothing-comforters too…Beanbag Buds are great sensory toys, fidget toys, toss ’em beanbags, or bag accessories…

Kristy Fae is excited to bring a few of these adoptable cuties to an Art Market this weekend, along with an array of whimsical and inspirational art prints, magnets, stickers, and some goofy, fun-loving monster puppets! You can also inquire about monster adoptions or commissions at or here

So what are the event deets?

The “New Leaf: Art Market & Making” is happening this Sunday April 2nd, 2023 from 6-9pm at the Victoria Event Centre, 1415 Broad St, Victoria BC. With free admission, musical performances, an assortment of local artists, and more, it’s bound to be a fantastic night! A big shout out to the PSR Collab and Imagine After Hours for bringing this amazing event to life— HIP HIP, HURRAY!

Visit the Facebook Event Page for the Art of Nonsense Booth here

And the “A New Leaf: Art Market & Making” Event here

Kristy Fae & Super Max
at their Art of Nonsense Booth

Play. Create. Discover… also find me @artofnonsense on Facebook, Instagram and YouTube or visit the Art of Nonsense Shop!

Pssst- what I write in this blog is a reflection of my own ideas and experiences and/or interpretations of any referenced material. The content of this blog is for entertainment and/or informational purposes only. I am not an expert or therapist and cannot be held liable for any content provided or how it is used. Please enjoy at your own discretion. I reserve the right to change the content or management of this blog at any time. That said, I hope you enjoy it!  © 2023 Kristina Durst aka Kristy Anne Fae All Rights Reserved.

art, Blog, Crafts, creative living, Fidget toys, illustration, inspiration, Monster Monday, Monsters, play, puppets, Toys

Monster Max: Channeling the Inner Child

In case anyone didn’t know this about me…I ADORE PUPPETS! There’s something extra fun and unique about getting to animate your own character with your very own inner child in the driver’s seat. Puppets have been used in play and in therapy, in entertainment and in storytelling for ages. There are all kinds of purposes hiding behind those beady eyes and hinged mouths, but what I love most about them is that they are a great opportunity/excuse/reason for PLAY! You get to channel something within you that doesn’t always get to come out in everyday life, and often, for me anyways, that’s my inner child (and boy does she LOVE to PLAY!).

So I encourage you to grab an inanimate friend (whether it’s a puppet, plushie, toy, marionette, cardboard cutout, etc) and see what happens when you let your inner creative creature out. Start by telling a simple story about your day, or telling your version of a classic fairy tale or favourite children’s book or movie. Try out different voices and personas. What if the puppet was an emotion; how would they act and what would they say? There are no rules… that’s the secret! Let yourself simply play!

Puppets and homemade toys can be made easily with nearly anything— an egg carton makes a great mouth or set of eyes, for example, and of course a sock with a few googly eyes glued on does just the trick! I’ve got hand-made monster puppets for sale if you’re looking for something fancier, but anything will do! Give it a whirl and let me know how it goes… it may take some practise to get comfortable with this, so don’t be alarmed if it’s awkward or uneventful to start! Also, it’s perfectly fine (and encouraged) to be absolutely RIDICULOUS. So if you needed it, there’s your permission. You can even use the excuse “I’m just doing my homework” 😉 Just don’t try to blame your puppet for eating your homework, fantasy only extends so far here… lol.

My favourite puppet Monster Max (aka Super Max) and I had a great time meeting everyone at the Community Art Event last night! There’s nothing like a big furry monster to break the ice, right!? Talk about a conversation starter and a convergence of the inner children in us all! We are sending out LOADS of gratitude for all the love we received at the event and for the support we were shown leading up to it. A monster-sized special thanks to the organizers at Image After Hours and the wonderful venue and staff at the Victoria Event Centre for making this Art Night possible!

Kristy Fae and Super Max the Monster at Art Night

In the next months we will be adding new products to the Art of Nonsense Shop online: all new puppets in bright and brilliant colours, new art prints, magnets, stickers, beanbag buds fidget toys/keychains and plushies…! We can’t wait to share more monsterly fun with you all! And if you have any questions or are interested in a monster or custom work, don’t hesitate to reach out to !

Play. Create. Discover…

Thanks for stopping by… also find me and the monsters @artofnonsense on Facebook, Instagram and YouTube!

Pssst- what I write in this blog is a reflection of my own ideas and experiences and/or interpretations of any referenced material. The content of this blog is for entertainment and/or informational purposes only. I am not an expert or therapist and cannot be held liable for any content provided or how it is used. Please enjoy at your own discretion. I reserve the right to change the content or management of this blog at any time. That said, I hope you enjoy it!  © 2022 Kristina Durst aka Kristy Anne Fae All Rights Reserved.

Blog, Crafts, creative living, Fidget toys, Monster Monday, Monsters, play, Sensory, Toys

The Mess-Monster: Trusting the Creative Process

Hiya Monster Allies! Just dropping in to wish you a Happy Monster Monday and throw you some behind-the-scenes footage as I prepare products for the Art of Nonsense booth at the Community Art Night coming up on Sunday August 21st at the Victoria Event Centre, Victoria BC, from 6-9PM! Check out my Facebook event or the PCR Collaborative’s website for more info about the event!

So here’s a peek into the creative process…Yep, it starts out looking pretty rough (and I didn’t even include photos of the messy studio with 6 projects happening at once!). That’s part of the creative process! It’s a good reminder not to worry too much as the creative process starts rolling. Get messy. Be imperfect. Dive in. See what happens…something great just might be born!

These poly-bead filled, fleecy creations are great sensory or fidget toys: squish, squeeze, pet, admire, snuggle, or toss ’em. It’s SO satisfying if you’re anything like me and love a good squishable— and believe me, they ADORE the affection! Complete with a loop to attach them to your bag so they’re always there when you need them…

I’ve got more styles coming and I’ll be adding them to the online shop for adoption soon, so stay tuned! Do you think you or someone you know might like one of these? Why? Or would you love to be able to get your hands on a craft-kit to create your own? I’d love the feedback as I move forward, so let me know in the comments!

Play. Create. Discover…

Also find me @artofnonsense on Facebook, Instagram and YouTube or visit the Art of Nonsense Shop for adoptable monsters and other products!

Pssst- what I write in this blog is a reflection of my own ideas and experiences and/or interpretations of any referenced material. The content of this blog is for entertainment and/or informational purposes only. I am not an expert or therapist and cannot be held liable for any content provided or how it is used. Please enjoy at your own discretion. I reserve the right to change the content or management of this blog at any time. That said, I hope you enjoy it!  © 2022 Kristina Durst aka Kristy Anne Fae All Rights Reserved.

Blog, inspiration, Monster Monday, Monsters, Self-Improvement

The Fire-Bottomed Beast: Achieving Your Goals

Happy Monster Monday everyone! I hope the last few weeks were creative and interesting ones. In case anyone was wondering where we were last week, I wanted to let you know that while we try to keep up every Monday, we sometimes let one slide. You know, life gets busy, health takes priority, art events suddenly pop up to prepare for…

Wait, what!? Yes, you heard me! The Art of Nonsense Monster Workshop has been buzzing with preparations for a local event showcasing the work of local talent on August 21st. Feel free to check out our Facebook Event for more info if you’re going to be in the Victoria B.C. area or if you just want some sneak peaks of new products we are working on (before they ever even make it to the online store)! Be sure to follow our Facebook Page which always posts updates and other inspirational content.

Art of Nonsense Collage

Anyway, there is definitely something to be said about having a fire lit beneath one’s bottom. The monsters and I have not been this focussed for ages, and I thought it was a good reminder for those of you with burning passions and dreams of your own waiting to be fulfilled: find a way to light the fire (safely)! For myself, I definitely work better with deadlines that are not controlled by me. If that’s your case too, find a contest to submit to, ask a friend or colleague to be your accountability partner, or find a way to have rewards attached to smaller goals? Whatever it is that works for you— work it darlings, if you can, and let me know how it went for you and what you ended up completing! I’ll be posting my results here in the upcoming weeks…until then, continue to Follow Your Creativity!

Find us @artofnonsense on Facebook, Instagram and YouTube or visit the Art of Nonsense Shop for adoptable monsters and other fun products!

Pssst- what I write in this blog is a reflection of my own ideas and experiences and/or interpretations of any referenced material. The content of this blog is for entertainment and/or informational purposes only. I am not an expert or therapist and cannot be held liable for any content provided or how it is used. Please enjoy at your own discretion. I reserve the right to change the content or management of this blog at any time. That said, I hope you enjoy it!  © 2022 Kristina Durst aka Kristy Anne Fae All Rights Reserved.

Blog, Funny, illustration, inspiration, Monster Monday, Monsters, Poetry, Self-Love

Palatable Monsters: Chasing Gratitude

“Palatable Monsters” by Kristy Fae

Have you ever arrived at the table,
Preparing for something palatable?
When what could be seen,
Was just SO obscene,
That it looked like it came from a fable?!

Potatoes with paws and meatball-ish dogs,
And critters resembling your drain clogs,
Are some of the beasts
That faced my defeats,
Along with the spork-headed bullfrogs!

Have you ever run scared from the table,
Escaping from things unpalatable?
For what had been seen,
Was so AWfully mean,
It seemed better belonged in a stable?!

But next time you are given a big slew,
Of foul-food that you turn your nose up to,
Remember one fact,
And be grateful that—
Though it’s nasty, at least it can’t bite you!

“Palatable Monsters” Sketch by Kristy Fae

Just a fun little poem today, perhaps reminding us hooman-folk to look for gratitude in unusual places (and perhaps inspiring our fussy eaters at the same time?). In all seriousness though, I know from my own experience that during hard times or periods of struggle, it can be extremely difficult to find “the bright side” or the “non-biting side” of things. And while I definitely don’t advocate for ignoring our feelings, even the difficult ones, I do recognize the power in trying to see at least a bit of the other side, if and when we can. For example: I had a tough week. I was incapacitated by an injury and being stuck in bed hurting sucked. Yet at the same time, fun and silly phone conversations with good friends and family came of it, including the inspiration for this poem! I have so much gratitude for my tribe and the goofy moments we share: it fills my heart up and casts light even in the darkest nights. Surprises and joy can come from unexpected places, if we look for it and appreciate it. So let’s keep our hearts open, our creativity flowing… and our eyes peeled…especially if something moves on our dinner plates!

Want more? Subscribe to this blog and follow me @artofnonsense on Facebook, Instagram and YouTube or visit the Art of Nonsense Shop for adoptable monsters and other products! And if nothing else, just remember to Follow Your Creativity!

Pssst- what I write in this blog is a reflection of my own ideas and experiences and/or interpretations of any referenced material. The content of this blog is for entertainment and/or informational purposes only. I am not an expert or therapist and cannot be held liable for any content provided or how it is used. Please enjoy at your own discretion. I reserve the right to change the content or management of this blog at any time. That said, I hope you enjoy it!  © 2022 Kristina Durst aka Kristy Anne Fae All Rights Reserved.