Blog, Funny, illustration, inspiration, Monster Monday, Monsters, Poetry, Self-Love

Palatable Monsters: Chasing Gratitude

“Palatable Monsters” by Kristy Fae

Have you ever arrived at the table,
Preparing for something palatable?
When what could be seen,
Was just SO obscene,
That it looked like it came from a fable?!

Potatoes with paws and meatball-ish dogs,
And critters resembling your drain clogs,
Are some of the beasts
That faced my defeats,
Along with the spork-headed bullfrogs!

Have you ever run scared from the table,
Escaping from things unpalatable?
For what had been seen,
Was so AWfully mean,
It seemed better belonged in a stable?!

But next time you are given a big slew,
Of foul-food that you turn your nose up to,
Remember one fact,
And be grateful that—
Though it’s nasty, at least it can’t bite you!

“Palatable Monsters” Sketch by Kristy Fae

Just a fun little poem today, perhaps reminding us hooman-folk to look for gratitude in unusual places (and perhaps inspiring our fussy eaters at the same time?). In all seriousness though, I know from my own experience that during hard times or periods of struggle, it can be extremely difficult to find “the bright side” or the “non-biting side” of things. And while I definitely don’t advocate for ignoring our feelings, even the difficult ones, I do recognize the power in trying to see at least a bit of the other side, if and when we can. For example: I had a tough week. I was incapacitated by an injury and being stuck in bed hurting sucked. Yet at the same time, fun and silly phone conversations with good friends and family came of it, including the inspiration for this poem! I have so much gratitude for my tribe and the goofy moments we share: it fills my heart up and casts light even in the darkest nights. Surprises and joy can come from unexpected places, if we look for it and appreciate it. So let’s keep our hearts open, our creativity flowing… and our eyes peeled…especially if something moves on our dinner plates!

Want more? Subscribe to this blog and follow me @artofnonsense on Facebook, Instagram and YouTube or visit the Art of Nonsense Shop for adoptable monsters and other products! And if nothing else, just remember to Follow Your Creativity!

Pssst- what I write in this blog is a reflection of my own ideas and experiences and/or interpretations of any referenced material. The content of this blog is for entertainment and/or informational purposes only. I am not an expert or therapist and cannot be held liable for any content provided or how it is used. Please enjoy at your own discretion. I reserve the right to change the content or management of this blog at any time. That said, I hope you enjoy it!  © 2022 Kristina Durst aka Kristy Anne Fae All Rights Reserved.

art, Blog, inspiration, Monster Monday, Monsters, Poetry, Self-Love

YOU-nique Monsters: Celebrate Individuality!

Happy New Year everyone! It’s 2021, woo! The monsters and I are sending you our best wishes for a magical year ahead…

Many of us are taking this time to look back on the past year and think about what lies ahead. Remember, in this “goal-setting time”, to set reasonable and healthy goals and be gentle and kind to yourself and others! It’s not so much about what you so to speak “accomplish” in any given year (which perfectionists like me need to be reminded of) as much as it is about who you are and what you put out into the world…

So while you’re reflecting back on 2020, be sure to admire how incredible, unique and individualistic you are. Look at how you shone just by being you. What did you share with the world? Whether you consider these things big or small, they all count! A kind gesture, a positive message, care, compassion, creativity, giving to others or to yourself?

Yes, even self-care is extremely beneficial as it sets us up to be our best selves. Every single one of us contributes to those around us with our own wonderful individuality! So in the name of celebrating ourselves and each other, I challenge you to share this post with someone you love, complimenting them on one unique thing you appreciate about them!

Celebrate Individuality!

Thanks for reading! Also find me @artofnonsense on Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest or visit the Art of Nonsense Shop for fun, monsterly products!

Pssst- what I write in this blog is a reflection of my own ideas and experiences and/or interpretations of any referenced material. The content of this blog is for entertainment and/or informational purposes only. I am not an expert or therapist and cannot be held liable for any content provided or how it is used. Please enjoy at your own discretion. I reserve the right to change the content or management of this blog at any time. That said, I hope you enjoy it!  © 2021 Kristina Durst All Rights Reserved.

Blog, Crafts, inspiration, Monster Monday, Monsters, play, Self-Love

The Hungry Monster: Let’s Celebrate!

For anyone who’s noticed a gap in blogs here, don’t worry, the computer has not been eaten by a monster (though there may have been a few innocuous attempts!). No, we are all safe and sound here, and I promise, we have been anything but idle in the area of Nonsense— we’ve just been busy with it behind-the-scenes. We have been scheming, gathering, pondering and learning all kinds of wonderful things in order to bring you the ultimate goal: oodles of top-notch NONSENSE! We have been very creative-hungry monsters and I’ll be dropping a few hints today as to what is coming, but first—

Let’s turn to another important subject, one that we think greatly deserves the Art of Nonsense theme of the month for December 2020: Celebration!

I know COVID-19 has brought a tough year for many, and I’m not minimizing that— AT ALL. But let me explain myself before you will a monster to actually eat my computer. Despite any and all hardships, I think it’s important to take some time to celebrate in new ways that are safe and yet still meaningful to us. To celebrate making it through this hard year; how resilient we have been; how adaptive. Yes, many of us have slogged through seething swamps, tamed herds of wild, bouncing beasts, and put on more creative caps than we can count just to get here today. And of course let’s not forget to celebrate those incredible beings that have journeyed alongside us, keeping us hopeful, cared-for, and afloat. Let us take time to celebrate the lives of those we have sadly lost, keeping them close in our hearts and minds. Let us celebrate the holiday season, even though it will look different than usual this year. Let us celebrate all the small achievements and joys we’ve found amidst the chaos (really, no matter how small!).

For me, one such thing has been having the time to give my creativity and my monsters the attention they so deserve and crave (and believe me, their appetite is relentless!). I’ve been celebrating by investing in myself, starting off on exciting new endeavours, and following my dreams. I started writing a book about the importance of play, am at last finishing some of my children’s books, and am getting Super Max into the limelight he so loves. For me, the symbol of all these accomplishments is my new and improved Art of Nonsense “Monster Studio”— which I’ve now got set up properly, stocked up sufficiently, and ready for creation, unequivocally! How great is that?

Super Max and Friends Hangin’ Out in The Monster Studio!

As for different ways of celebrating the holidays, I’ve brought back some childhood traditions like advent calendars and Christmas candles, I’m finding dates for group video calls with friends and family, and am planning a special evening with my significant other. Also in the name of spreading joy this season, I’ve got a few more fun surprises coming your way— including a free and whacky tree ornament craft tutorial (if you’re eager to prepare, go gather and dry out a few medium-to-large sized pinecones: driftwood pieces or smooth stones would work nicely too). I’ll also be introducing a fresh batch of monster hand puppets into the Shop in new and exciting colours very soon! Make sure you’re subscribed here to the Blog and are following us on Facebook or Instagram to get all the updates!

Collect a few pinecones to prepare for our upcoming craft tutorial on how to make your own fun ornament!

In conclusion, let’s all try to take more moments for gratitude this month and celebrate what we do have and what small or big joys we are blessed with. Oh, and spread that sentiment like jelly on toast— remind those around you, young and old, friends and strangers, that we all have something to be grateful for. We have the power to make a moment or an occasion special if we are creative, mindful, and compassionate enough. Perhaps we can all help lift one another up with kind will, a promise of hope, gentle words, and loving actions.

Now it’s your turn. What can you celebrate this month? Or this week? Or even just today? How can you get creative this year to celebrate the holidays safely? What new traditions might you start? What can you and your loved ones plan so that you have something to look forward to, despite external factors? Let me know in the comments below!

Thanks for reading and have a safe and happy holiday season everyone!

Pssst- what I write in this blog is a reflection of my own ideas and experiences and/or interpretations of any referenced material. The content of this blog is for entertainment and/or informational purposes only. I am not an expert or therapist and cannot be held liable for any content provided or how it is used. Please enjoy at your own discretion. I reserve the right to change the content or management of this blog at any time. That said, I hope you enjoy it!  © 2020 Kristina Durst All Rights Reserved.