Blog, Crafts, inspiration, Monster Monday, Monsters, play

The Fantastic Felter: Infinite Creativity 

Have you ever taken the time to count the ways in which we can be creative? It’s a trick question, because there are infinite ways! If we think about all the possible art forms, ways of expressing, original ideas, inventions, stories, processes, etc, it really is a marvel.

As creatives, we may have a preference for certain mediums or processes that we use to create. This is of course is helpful and efficient, especially if we are creating in school or in a career where work needs to be accomplished on timelines. But sometimes our creative processes can get stagnant or stuck in a rut. Perhaps we find ourselves lacking inspiration or passion if we’ve been doing too much of the “same thing”. In these instances, it’s especially important to remember those INFINITE possibilities for creativity— and maybe break outside of our comfort zones, shake things up, and try something new!

As a writer, illustrator and monster maker, I get hyper-focused on making my professional products. And yet, I’m also someone who loves diving into a new craft or art form just to experience it, make some cool stuff, and see what happens. I may come back to these mediums over time or just try them once and move on. Either way, I’ve learned that that’s perfectly ok! 

In some ways I have felt “less than” for a long time for being a “Jane of all trades, a master of none.” I do understand the intention behind this message— that spreading ourselves too thin across many skills can be at the detriment of our expertise. I developed a story in my head that told me this was the case for me. Yet I’m realizing it isn’t. What I’ve become is my own kind of master; one that can basically create anything from anything! That’s a mega super expert master skill in itself, isn’t it?!

I also believe in, and have experienced for myself, the benefit that comes from fresh energy, looking at things from different perspectives, and acquiring transferable skills. We take all that back to our master craft and may show up to it stronger than ever. And lastly, if it’s FUN, it’s WORTHWHILE! Fun goes a long way for our creativity, as it births joy, passion, inspiration, motivation, and overall wellbeing… And if it’s good for you, it’s good for your craft, I say.

Now I’m not necessarily saying to drop all your work and priorities and go hog-wild with a billion different “try ‘ems” (unless you are inspired to and in a position to do so!). What I am saying is that taking a bit of time here and there to play, experiment, mess around, try something new or do something in a different way, might just bring about surprising results.

I’ve been very much enjoying my “try ‘em” these past few weeks— and furthermore I enjoyed connecting with family and friends over these crafts, making them even more special and beneficial! Felting is what I’ve been playing with, which proves to be extremely meditative, calming and enjoyable for me. It’s a neat medium, which uses felting wool and barbed needles to “mash” and “tangle” (these are not the official terms!) the fibres into one another in order to form shapes…objects…and of course, for me, creatures.

I love that you can just start a project without much thought, and keep adding to it as you “mould” it similarly to clay. It’s also super quick to take out on the fly, without any preparation other than having the required materials and tools! Felting reminds me that creating doesn’t always have to be pre-planned or created for any specific purpose. It can be for the enjoyment of it, or to spread joy when you gift it (or sit it on your shelf!). It’s also inspired me to work more quickly and freely and to experiment with more texture and colour in my illustration work. This is a great case in point to what I’m trying to get across here today!

So dear monster lovers, I’m sure you want to see my latest felt creation, which was modelled after the Bowtruckle named Pickett from Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them, so here he is:

Reproduction of Pickett from Fantastic Beasts, by Kristy Fae

Now if I were to say, “Go do a creative thing that’s new or that you haven’t done in a while” — do you know what it would be? Perhaps it’s using oil pastels or finger-paints. Maybe it’s ballet dancing, sewing some unique clothes, inventing a new product, or writing a story? Maybe it’s an activity you loved as a child but have left in the dust for many years. This week, try briefly stepping away from whatever way you normally get creative. Give space for some PLAY! If you need some direction, pick one of your favourite movie creatures to make and consider the different ways you could bring it to life! Then of course, feel free to share your creation or experience with us in the comments below.

Thanks for reading, creating, and being you!

Play. Create. Discover… also find me @artofnonsense on Facebook, Instagram and YouTube or visit the Art of Nonsense Shop for adoptable monsters and other products!

Pssst- what I write in this blog is a reflection of my own ideas and experiences and/or interpretations of any referenced material. The content of this blog is for entertainment and/or informational purposes only. I am not an expert or therapist and cannot be held liable for any content provided or how it is used. Please enjoy at your own discretion. I reserve the right to change the content or management of this blog at any time. That said, I hope you enjoy it!  © 2023 Kristina Durst aka Kristy Anne Fae All Rights Reserved.