Blog, Funny, illustration, inspiration, Monster Monday, Monsters, Poetry, Self-Love

Palatable Monsters: Chasing Gratitude

“Palatable Monsters” by Kristy Fae

Have you ever arrived at the table,
Preparing for something palatable?
When what could be seen,
Was just SO obscene,
That it looked like it came from a fable?!

Potatoes with paws and meatball-ish dogs,
And critters resembling your drain clogs,
Are some of the beasts
That faced my defeats,
Along with the spork-headed bullfrogs!

Have you ever run scared from the table,
Escaping from things unpalatable?
For what had been seen,
Was so AWfully mean,
It seemed better belonged in a stable?!

But next time you are given a big slew,
Of foul-food that you turn your nose up to,
Remember one fact,
And be grateful that—
Though it’s nasty, at least it can’t bite you!

“Palatable Monsters” Sketch by Kristy Fae

Just a fun little poem today, perhaps reminding us hooman-folk to look for gratitude in unusual places (and perhaps inspiring our fussy eaters at the same time?). In all seriousness though, I know from my own experience that during hard times or periods of struggle, it can be extremely difficult to find “the bright side” or the “non-biting side” of things. And while I definitely don’t advocate for ignoring our feelings, even the difficult ones, I do recognize the power in trying to see at least a bit of the other side, if and when we can. For example: I had a tough week. I was incapacitated by an injury and being stuck in bed hurting sucked. Yet at the same time, fun and silly phone conversations with good friends and family came of it, including the inspiration for this poem! I have so much gratitude for my tribe and the goofy moments we share: it fills my heart up and casts light even in the darkest nights. Surprises and joy can come from unexpected places, if we look for it and appreciate it. So let’s keep our hearts open, our creativity flowing… and our eyes peeled…especially if something moves on our dinner plates!

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Pssst- what I write in this blog is a reflection of my own ideas and experiences and/or interpretations of any referenced material. The content of this blog is for entertainment and/or informational purposes only. I am not an expert or therapist and cannot be held liable for any content provided or how it is used. Please enjoy at your own discretion. I reserve the right to change the content or management of this blog at any time. That said, I hope you enjoy it!  © 2022 Kristina Durst aka Kristy Anne Fae All Rights Reserved.