Blog, Monster Monday

The Go-Getter-Otter: Take the Plunge!

To all the perfectionists, worriers and people living with anxiety monsters in their shirt pockets…I understand the struggle! Continuously considering all the possible (negative) outcomes of a given situation, project, relationship etc is exhausting. If you’re like me, you may have learned to live in self-protection mode, which can lead to isolation, holding ourselves back, and keeping our gifts from the world!

Today, I just want to remind us all that, with practise, our future-focused panicking brains can get more comfortable with unknowns. Our brains can even learn to trust the unknown and believe that whatever comes will just be another step forward on our paths to more fulfilling and authentic living!

For me, it has definitely taken a lot of practise (and therapy and self-work) to be able to have some of that trust today. Does it mean I never worry or get anxiety? Nope, I’m still human. Does it mean I can more often than not acknowledge the worry and then decide how to respond to it better? Yes! And “Yes!” is exactly the theme of the next few weeks! In comes the Go-Getter-Otter…

The Go-Getter-Otter by Kristy Fae

Imagine, long ago, this little otter didn’t know she could swim— or that she even liked the water. She wanted to fly. So she tried it. And when her attempt at flying failed, she fell from the sky with a “splish splash” into a refreshing river… and from then on, she was never happier!

If our hearts yearn for something, yet fear and the unknown gets in our way, do we not owe it to ourselves to go out there and try it anyways?! Best case, it works out (hurray!). Worst case, it doesn’t, and it lands you in a new spot where you’ve never been before. A spot where new and miraculous things can happen… even if that thing is just one more “mistake” along the journey that ultimately leads us to our greatest joy!

Now obviously I’m not saying we should go jump into the air with some 2 by 4’s for wings (we must still use our common sense and wisdom to make calculated risks)— but I am encouraging us to take the plunge into something that fear has been holding us back from. That’s it, that’s the homework, dear monster friends. 

We’d love to hear about the plunge you take over the next few weeks— share in the comments below or on social media with #artofnonsensetaketheplunge

Remember, we are brave and we can do scary things!

*Splish Splash*

Play. Create. Discover… Be sure to subscribe to the blog to receive Biweekly reminders when we post! Also find us @artofnonsense on Facebook, Instagram and YouTube or visit the Art of Nonsense Shop for adoptable monsters and other products!

Pssst- what I write in this blog is a reflection of my own ideas and experiences and/or interpretations of any referenced material. The content of this blog is for entertainment and/or informational purposes only. I am not an expert or therapist and cannot be held liable for any content provided or how it is used. Please enjoy at your own discretion. I reserve the right to change the content or management of this blog at any time. That said, I hope you enjoy it!  © 2024 Kristy Anne Fae All Rights Reserved.

Blog, empowerment, illustration, Monster Monday, Monsters, Self-Awareness, Self-Help

The Sovereign Goblin: Write Your Own Story

Happy Monday, Monster fans. I’ve been delighted by our delectable blog themes recently concerning redefining success and writing our own authentic stories— so much so that I thought the topic deserved its very own monster…

So I’d like to introduce you to my new friend, the Sovereign Goblin! This creative cutie is especially helpful when we are mixed up in the muddle of confusion, peer pressure, fear, or those nasty “shoulds” that rear their heads. He reminds us that while there is always going to be people out there telling us how to be and what to do in any given situation (whether well-meaning guidance or unsolicited advice), that we are our own authors and creators. He reminds us to reclaim our self sovereignty!

The Sovereign Goblin by Kristy Fae

While it can be very helpful to get different perspectives from our trusted personal people and professionals alike, at the end of the day, we get to take inventory, reflect, and decide what’s right for us. We also use our past experiences to navigate current ones, yet sometimes this can lead us astray; we must discern whether or not the old story is guiding us or keeping us stuck. It’s important to check in now and then to see if we have any old stories that we’re ready to crumple up and toss into the trash bin.

So over the next few weeks, I challenge you to be aware of what stories are playing like reruns in your mind— then see if any of them can be turned off in favour of a more…well, favourable one! And if you can start to imagine what you want your story to look like, perhaps drawing it would be a great way to start manifesting it into reality…

The monsters and I would love to hear your thoughts below and to see your “new stories” shared on social media with hashtag #artofnonsensenewstory

Happy storytelling!

Play. Create. Discover… Be sure to subscribe to the blog to receive Biweekly reminders when we post! Also find us @artofnonsense on Facebook, Instagram and YouTube or visit the Art of Nonsense Shop for adoptable monsters and other products!

Pssst- what I write in this blog is a reflection of my own ideas and experiences and/or interpretations of any referenced material. The content of this blog is for entertainment and/or informational purposes only. I am not an expert or therapist and cannot be held liable for any content provided or how it is used. Please enjoy at your own discretion. I reserve the right to change the content or management of this blog at any time. That said, I hope you enjoy it!  © 2024 Kristy Anne Fae All Rights Reserved.

Blog, empowerment, inspiration, Monster Monday, Self-Awareness, Self-Help, Self-Improvement, Self-Love

The Success Eater: Redefining Achievements

Do you have impossibly high expectations of yourself? Do you struggle with perfectionism or thinking you’ll never be as good as “everyone else” in your area of expertise? Do you jump from one achievement to the next without taking time to really honour and celebrate your successes? If so, you are most definitely not alone! 

Many of us battle with these thoughts on a regular basis as we compare our work or achievements to the plethora of examples on the internet, in the news or around us day to day. We forget that “different” doesn’t mean “better” and that what we offer is also valuable, important and needed! We don’t always see that even the people who appear to be succeeding beyond what’s humanly possible still experience challenges, bad days, hard times and self-doubt.

Furthermore, those of us who take our personal growth seriously can sometimes be the first to think we are not doing enough “bettering” and we place heavier and larger burdens on ourselves continuously. We can neglect pausing to reflect on everything we HAVE accomplished and we focus instead on the unfinished to-do lists looming in the dark corners of our mind. Let’s stop biting ourselves and start to play nice!

The Success Eater by Kristy Fae

This week, I suggest that you make time to pause, breath and get grounded. From there, I invite you to look at how you define “accomplishments”, “success” or “achievements”. Go ahead and write out the definition you abide by, along with examples (from your own life, those around you or even celebrities etc). 

Now that your definition and examples are on paper, examine what words you wrote. Does your idea of success involve external or public recognition such as awards, certificates, diplomas or even words of affirmation from a specific person or group? Is it tied to material belongings or specific items checked off a list? Is it attached to status, a certain position at work or a certain amount of money that you earn? Or is it attached to your internal experience; how you feel physically or emotionally, how those around you benefit from your actions or even some personal insight you’ve gained?

It can be interesting to investigate where our ideas of success come from too— perhaps from an old story we picked up along the way or a value learned from a trusted mentor etc. With whatever insight you’ve gathered from this investigation, you then get to decide if you’re happy with your original definition of success or if you would like to revise it! If a revision feels warranted, write it out anew…

Finally, after one more nice breath in, exhale all of the pressure and expectations and self-perceived “failures” you’re hanging onto. Then take some time to really reflect on what you have accomplished during the last few months or year (depending what time frame feels significant to you). If you’re having a hard time listing successes, reach out to trusted friends or loved ones and get their feedback. Have them write something nice about you, your character, your influence on those around you or the personal journey you’ve been on to get where you are today. I had my friends do this at my Birthday Celebration this month and it was so heartwarming and encouraging! I suggest you keep these messages someone accessible and within sight to reference any time you catch yourself being hard on you! Those around us who adore us often have the positive feedback and difference in perspective we need to view ourselves in a new light and to boost our confidence!

Now, I’m still rewriting my definition of success, but I know it no longer holds onto the social norms I picked up along the way in a desperation to find acceptance and love. My new definition will read something like this: “Success for me can be measured in the amount of joy and peace I feel and spread day to day, and how authentically I show up for myself and others.” 

My list of successes over the past year or so, which were spelled out in the invitation for my Birthday Celebration, did not involve “publishing a book, getting in shape, or making more money” which are all on the to-do list somewhere. Instead, my list was about what had brought me closer to understanding and being ME; self-awareness, clarity about my identity and my ability to live and express myself authentically. These are huge accomplishments and DANG did I ever work hard to get here! 

The outside world didn’t see the behind-the-scenes work (only my close friends and family that saw me through it), but that doesn’t mean the successes, the accomplishments, the achievements are not there. Because they are, and they are measured in the increase of happiness, groundedness and peace that I feel. These kinds of accomplishments are not fleeting ones where you receive an accolade that gives you a momentary sense of accomplishment. I’m talking about the kinds of accomplishments that change your life forever. The ones that change how you relate to yourself and others, how you show up and express yourself, speak your truth, live your passions, do what is meaningful and fulfilling to you, how you care for yourself, know and honour your own boundaries, heal your wounds, and inspire others to do the same.

Life is never going to be perfect or without pain or challenges or barriers. But it can be more authentic and joyful, I believe. And isn’t that a definition of “success” that you can get behind?

Celebrate YOU, all of you wild creative creatures out there, because you’re doing great! Share YOUR definition of success below or on socials with #artofnonsensesuccess

Play. Create. Discover… Be sure to subscribe to the blog to receive Biweekly reminders when we post! Also find us @artofnonsense on Facebook, Instagram and YouTube or visit the Art of Nonsense Shop for adoptable monsters and other products!

Pssst- what I write in this blog is a reflection of my own ideas and experiences and/or interpretations of any referenced material. The content of this blog is for entertainment and/or informational purposes only. I am not an expert or therapist and cannot be held liable for any content provided or how it is used. Please enjoy at your own discretion. I reserve the right to change the content or management of this blog at any time. That said, I hope you enjoy it!  © 2024 Kristy Anne Fae All Rights Reserved.

Blog, Comics, Funny, illustration, Monster Monday

The Little Boo: Never Underestimate Yourself!

Don’t judge a ghost by its “covers”…
Watch for the sheep in werewolf’s clothing…
Little boos grow into mighty scares…

Whatever meaning you want to attribute to today’s illustration, the most important message of the week is this:

“Have a Safe and Happy Hallo-Scream!”

“The Little Boo Scares a Werewolf” by Kristy Fae

Just a reminder, if you’ve also been drawing for Inktober this year, or have been following your own custom prompts like we have here at Art of Nonsense, hashtag your work with #inktober2023 or #artofnonsense on your preferred social media platforms!

Play. Create. Discover… also find us @artofnonsense on Facebook, Instagram and YouTube or visit the Art of Nonsense Shop for adoptable monsters and other products!

Pssst- what I write in this blog is a reflection of my own ideas and experiences and/or interpretations of any referenced material. The content of this blog is for entertainment and/or informational purposes only. I am not an expert or therapist and cannot be held liable for any content provided or how it is used. Please enjoy at your own discretion. I reserve the right to change the content or management of this blog at any time. That said, I hope you enjoy it!  © 2023 Kristy Anne Fae All Rights Reserved.

Blog, Funny, illustration, Monster Monday, Monsters, play

The Choc-o-lot Sneak: Just for the Fun of it!

Sometimes there’s rhyme but no reason…here’s a bit of fun for you this Monster Monday in honour of Art of Nonsense’s favourite upcoming celebration— Halloween!

“The Choc-o-lot Sneak”
By Kristy Fae

The Choc-o-lot Sneak,
Such a sneaker of treats,
Is a marvellous master—
A sneak who sneaks sweets!

He sniffs out the goods,
A most terrible feat,
And when candy’s around,
Well, he won’t miss a beat!

He snatches the loot
With his three massive beaks,
Then he stashes the stuff 
In his gigantic cheeks!

Yes, caramel and fudge
Are the eats that he seeks
And it’s Halloween Night 
That his food-snatching peaks!

So hide all your bars,
All your lollies and gummies—
But the only safe spot,
Is inside your tummies!

“The Choc-o-lot Sneak” by Kristy Fae

We hope you’re having fun getting your costumes and candies and jack-o-lanterns ready this October. Just beware that mighty Sneak, as we heard him sniffing around here in the chocolate cupboard already 😉 If you’re celebrating Hallow’s Eve this year, tell us how in the comments below…

Have a joyful, creative and safe Halloween season everyone!

Play. Create. Discover… also find us @artofnonsense on Facebook, Instagram and YouTube or visit the Art of Nonsense Shop for adoptable monsters and other products!

Pssst- what I write in this blog is a reflection of my own ideas and experiences and/or interpretations of any referenced material. The content of this blog is for entertainment and/or informational purposes only. I am not an expert or therapist and cannot be held liable for any content provided or how it is used. Please enjoy at your own discretion. I reserve the right to change the content or management of this blog at any time. That said, I hope you enjoy it!  © 2023 Kristy Anne Fae All Rights Reserved.

art, Blog, illustration, inspiration, Monster Monday, play, Self-Improvement

The Discoverer: Stepping Out of the Box

Happy October everyone! The tree are shedding, the air is cooling and Halloween is fast approaching. Creative energies are running high (at least they are here in the Monster Studio!) and what better way to honour a creative October than by participating in Inktober 2023! For anyone who doesn’t know, Inktober is a time for artists to create artwork daily based on a list of drawing prompts. This year, a fellow artist and loved-one had an excellent idea: to curate prompt lists for one another.

How fun!

We both have different goals for Inktober this year, and our lists reflect that for one another. She brilliantly chose the word “discovery” for my day 1 prompt, as my intention is to challenge my illustration skills with new subjects and action poses. Gasp— I have to try NOT to draw monsters for a whole month!? Well, truth be told, some monsters will still be sneaking into my artwork this month, whether inspired by the prompts or otherwise 😉 Yet starting off my illustration yesterday, I automatically sketched a monster and had to catch myself, and redo it… as a HOOMAN! But I think turned out pretty well:

In conclusion, if you’re with me, let’s dub the month of October “Discovery Month” and try “drawing outside of the lines”…or the box…or the circle…Perhaps this means trying a new art medium, drawing different subjects, or even ones you’re not comfortable with. Maybe it means reconnecting to your “Little Me” to see what they want to explore! A good place to start is to revisit what you loved doing, or always wanted to do, as a kid…

Expanding the horizons of what we create, as always, can bring new playfulness, creativity and discovery! If you want to join in the fun, hashtag your work with #inktober2023 and #artofnonsense on your preferred social media platforms! You can find the official Inktober 2023 prompt list here. We’ll be sharing @artofnonsense on Facebook and Instagram so be sure to follow us there for more Inktober fun!

Happy creating and discovering, Monster Friends!

Play. Create. Discover… also find me @artofnonsense on YouTube or visit the Art of Nonsense Shop for adoptable monsters and other products!

Pssst- what I write in this blog is a reflection of my own ideas and experiences and/or interpretations of any referenced material. The content of this blog is for entertainment and/or informational purposes only. I am not an expert or therapist and cannot be held liable for any content provided or how it is used. Please enjoy at your own discretion. I reserve the right to change the content or management of this blog at any time. That said, I hope you enjoy it!  © 2023 Kristy Anne Fae All Rights Reserved.

Blog, creative living, Fidget toys, Monster Monday, play, Sensory, Toys, Videos

The Fall-ing Monster: Dropping Into Creativity

Well, this coming week is officially calling in the start of Autumn!

Hurray, Huzzah, Hoorah!

Yes, I’m a big fan of Fall. I’m not sure if it’s the falling leaves, the oh-so-fresh hoodie-worthy weather, the ingrained feeling of “back to school” season, or the excitement of Halloween creeping in (okay, it’s all of the above)… but Fall always has me feeling crafty, creative, and motivated to get organized and productive!

The closets have been cleaned out, the desks have been rearranged, the year’s goals have been fine-tuned and, of course, the monsters have been awakened!

In honour of our favourite monsterly season, we’ve finally got our latest Beanbag Buds and Monster Hand-Puppets up for adoption at the Art of Nonsense Shop! Our boisterous little Beanbag critters are the perfect pals to clip onto your knapsack, carry in your pockets, or toss around with your friends. They’re fun fidget toys for all of us sensory-oriented creatures, and of course, they’re cute as buttons! Handmade in Victoria British Columbia, we’re currently shipping within Canada. Drop us an email if you have any questions or custom ideas:

So while the monsters are having fun “Fall-ing” into line… what are your season’s goals? Is there a project you’ve been meaning to get started on? A junk drawer that needs excavating? Or perhaps a routine that needs polishing to bring some freshness into your step? Whatever it is, we hope you’re able to start dropping into your creative energy this week. Perhaps now is the time to take that first small step towards a goal that you’d maybe hung up during the hot and sunny months?

Wishing you a wickedly awesome Autumnal Equinox from all of us monsters here at Art of Nonsense!

Play. Create. Discover… don’t forget to subscribe to keep up with our biweekly blogs and follow us @artofnonsense on Facebook, Instagram and YouTube. And of course, visit the Art of Nonsense Shop for adoptable monsters!

Pssst- what I write in this blog is a reflection of my own ideas and experiences and/or interpretations of any referenced material. The content of this blog is for entertainment and/or informational purposes only. I am not an expert or therapist and cannot be held liable for any content provided or how it is used. Please enjoy at your own discretion. I reserve the right to change the content or management of this blog at any time. That said, I hope you enjoy it!  © 2023 Kristy Anne Fae All Rights Reserved.

Blog, Monster Monday

The Bedraggled Dragon: Keep Your Fire Going!

The Bedraggled Dragon by Kristy Fae

We all get a little bedraggled sometimes… a bit “burnt out” so to speak. Oh yes, burnout is a real thing. Let the Bedraggled Dragon be a reminder for us to take time out of our busy lives for rest, relaxation, and self-care BEFORE our fire is reduced to charcoal! Consider how a campfire needs tending to in order to provide the perfect roasting environment for our campfire treats. Our bodies are no different, they need the tending!

Whether it’s a nap or a spa day, making time for play or a walk in nature, or spending an hour curled up with a good book or your beloved journal— it’s all productive and important. And it will come back to us tenfold. Let’s make sure we plug our ears when we hear messages that we need to be working, giving, and slogging away every minute of our day to be worthy. Wrong! Monsters, animals, and hoomans all need and deserve time for joy and recuperation. I bet you can guess what your homework is this week 😉

Be gentle, lovelies!

Play. Create. Discover… also find me @artofnonsense on Facebook, Instagram and YouTube or visit the Art of Nonsense Shop for adoptable monsters and other products!

Pssst- what I write in this blog is a reflection of my own ideas and experiences and/or interpretations of any referenced material. The content of this blog is for entertainment and/or informational purposes only. I am not an expert or therapist and cannot be held liable for any content provided or how it is used. Please enjoy at your own discretion. I reserve the right to change the content or management of this blog at any time. That said, I hope you enjoy it!  © 2023 Kristy Anne Fae All Rights Reserved.

Blog, Monster Monday

The Faxolotl: Knowing Your Worth

Fun Fact: You are Worthy! Just a quick drop-in this Monday to remind you of this fact. Just being you makes this true. And the gifts and passions that you like to share with the world deserve appreciation, recognition, or renumeration! So many entrepreneurs and artists undervalue themselves and thus undercharge for their products and services, believing it’s the only way to lead career in what they do. In fact, quite the opposite is true: the more you know your value, and show your value, the more value others see in your work. Take the Faxolotl as an example! She knows her worth and isn’t afraid to show it…

“The Faxolotl” Poem & Illustration By Kristy Fae

If you’re looking for homework this week, try writing down 3-5 facts about yourself that help you recognize your inherent worth… or ask some of your loved ones to give you a few facts about you that they love!

Play. Create. Discover… also find me @artofnonsense on Facebook, Instagram and YouTube or visit the Art of Nonsense Shop for adoptable monsters and other products!

Pssst- what I write in this blog is a reflection of my own ideas and experiences and/or interpretations of any referenced material. The content of this blog is for entertainment and/or informational purposes only. I am not an expert or therapist and cannot be held liable for any content provided or how it is used. Please enjoy at your own discretion. I reserve the right to change the content or management of this blog at any time. That said, I hope you enjoy it!  © 2023 Kristy Anne Fae All Rights Reserved.

animals, art, Blog, Creative Learning, Funny, illustration, Monster Monday, Monsters, Poetry

The Platy-Pirate: Real Life Monsters 2

What makes a monster a monster? Is a monster simply a made-up creature? Is it defined by its unique and weird attributes? Does it need special powers or to partake in particular activities? Oxford Languages states that a monster is “an imaginary creature that is typically large, ugly, and frightening” while Myriam-Webster defines a monster as “an animal or plant of abnormal form or structure.” A simple search on Google will turn up multiple interpretations of this ancient word that is believed to have “derived from the French term ‘monstre’ [which] has roots in the Latin word meaning ‘monstrum’ [or] ‘evil omen’ ” according to Word Monster. Despite the many opinions about what a monster actually is, what seems to be agreed upon is that monsters are creatures of great awe and wonder!

Here at Art of Nonsense, we love monsters of all kinds. No monster is too big or too small; too scaly or too furry; too winged or too finned. We love them all. And we love creating them. A lot of my creature inspiration started in childhood, through finding awe and wonder in the natural world, whether in real life or through wonderful resources like Owl Magazine. From sting rays to blue-footed boobies, to bats, wild cats, and even pet rats— I was fascinated by them all!

Now, even as the majority of my pencil tips end up forming creatures that didn’t exist before the drawing took place, I very much like to revisit, honour, and “play” with the beloved animals that so captured my heart and sense of wonder (and still do!). One of such favourites has always been the Platypus. In fact, my favourite stuffed animal as a child was a green Platypus, who still sits near my bed (lovingly as ever, though with significantly less “fluff” than before). Platypuses really are one of those “real-life monsters”. Firstly, because… look at them. So strange, unique, and adorable right!? I get giddy just picturing them! Also, the more I know about platypuses, the more fascinating they are to me. Here’s a few reasons why:

  1. A Platypus somehow has what appears to be a duck’s bill, a beaver’s tail, and the feet of an otter— oh my!
  2. Platypuses are the only group of mammals to lay eggs.
  3. Male platypuses are one of the few mammals today that produce venom, and they do so through a hollow spur in their hind legs, which is sometimes referred to as a poisonous claw (or in my case, “a poison toe”!)… as show by my illustration below:
“Platy-Pirate” Illustration & Poem by Kristy Fae

We very much enjoyed our playtime with this special Platy-Guy today. If you’re so inspired, we challenge you to look up 3 interesting facts about your favourite animal and see if you can create an artwork based on what you find!

*A special credit and thanks goes out to TrentT for sparking the idea of a Platypus Pirate!

Play. Create. Discover… also find me @artofnonsense on Facebook, Instagram and YouTube or visit the Art of Nonsense Shop for adoptable monsters and other products!

Pssst- what I write in this blog is a reflection of my own ideas and experiences and/or interpretations of any referenced material. The content of this blog is for entertainment and/or informational purposes only. I am not an expert or therapist and cannot be held liable for any content provided or how it is used. Please enjoy at your own discretion. I reserve the right to change the content or management of this blog at any time. That said, I hope you enjoy it!  © 2023 Kristina Durst aka Kristy Anne Fae All Rights Reserved.